How feedback can maximise new treatment uptake
November 23, 2022 | Philip Molden
November 23, 2022 | Philip Molden
Certainly, they give patients a chance to share their stories and help other people reading those reviews to form a picture in their mind of what your practice is like and if it seems like the right fit for them, too.
However, feedback also offers the potential for something very, very valuable attached to reviews that few people take proper advantage of, or, in some cases, even realise exists.
And given these uncertain times, it’s a huge mistake to miss this trick; namely, ‘cross-selling’ or, to put it in healthcare terms, the ability to promote your range of ‘key’ additional treatments to those patients that already trust and value your expertise.
For example, Working Feedback includes this feature as standard. What’s more this benefit is both tangible and revenue generating – a Principal’s dream!
By adding our ‘cross-sell’ section to your review request you are given the ability to highlight your additional services within the process. Dentistry has become an artform and the variety of treatments are wide ranging from teeth whitening to rejuvenating facial aesthetics.
Most patients may not even be aware that you provide these treatments and wouldn’t you rather an existing patient know and consult you first rather than approach another provider that they’ve found on an indiscriminate Google paid ad?
So, if a patient is filling in a review to say what they think about you, they’ll also be made aware of your range of additional treatments and tick the box to express their interest. As you already have the relationship, the trust and credibility is there.
Working Feedback effortlessly integrates with Google My Business and social media, we are able to build our online presence in a positive way and act on constructive feedback, but it also offers us the opportunity to cross-sell additional services.
Tina Sleigh, Marketing Communications Manager, Dental Partners group
Typically, when this feature is included within your review request, it results in an extra £5-10k worth of requests each month for the dental team to follow up on. Imagine what a difference a couple of Invisalign enquiries, a handful of teeth whitening bookings, several requests to find out about your monthly membership plans would make to your top-line growth.
With those kinds of results ready for the taking, why wouldn’t you want to partner with Working Feedback, to help you handle reviews and use then in a positive manner, to the benefit of your practice, your team, and your patients? Let’s face it – it’s a no-brainer. Go cross-sell!
As a top-tier partner that integrates directly with Software of Excellence and Dentally, Working Feedback can help you do exactly that. So, if you would like to learn about how our service can benefit your practice, in the first instance simply visit www.workingfeedback.co.uk, email [email protected] or call 0800 043 2100.