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How St Raphael's Dental Practice protected their online reputation and brand from false reviews

St Raphael's is a family-run dental practice in Upholland, Lancashire, covering all aspects of dental care. After focusing on improving their online presence and requesting record numbers of reviews, the in-house team used Working Feedback to ensure all feedback was truthful, reputable and beneficial for practice growth.

  • Gained control over reviews containing false information
  • Boosted their monthly Google reviews from 0.6 to 9 per month (324 in total!)
  • Made it easier for staff to post reviews on social media and online

St Raphael’s saw these results with Working Feedback…
…and you can, too!


a fair, positive reflection of the practice’s reputation online by restricting any reviews containing false or misleading information


unprecedented awareness for the practice by raising the average number of Google reviews per month from 0.6 to 9


staff engagement and performance by sharing Working Feedback reviews on a company WhatsApp group

The Story

St Raphael's Dental Practice offers its patients routine and cosmetic treatments from highly-skilled clinicians. Even though it consistently provided excellent service, the practice had struggled to convert this into a regular stream of five-star reviews. Sure, some patients were happy to share their experience with their friends or family - but didn't have a simple way to tell the rest of the world what they thought!

So, the team made a strategic shift to focus more on developing its brand image and online reputation through patient feedback - and, as part of a new website project, sought out an automated, scalable review solution to boost their exposure…

The Struggle

St Raphael’s hadn’t digitised their review process - and getting feedback from patients was limited to asking at reception. So, a key issue was a lack of control over negative reviews. Even as a successful dental practice, you’ll probably be dealing with unreasonable patients from time to time. You always welcome constructive feedback - but without a system to monitor feedback, any old so-and-so can say whatever they want about the practice (even if it’s untrue!)

With St Raphael’s, some people could fib about missing an appointment, blame the dentist and leave a one-star review. Now, that’s just downright unfair - not to mention bad for business.

The Strategy

With the functionality to investigate negative feedback, Working Feedback gave St Raphael’s the opportunity to restrict false reviews and ensure their brand reputation remained fair and honest. If the feedback was negative, the practice would be contacted before the content was published. It wouldn’t get swept under the carpet (this is about sharing genuine reviews!) but the practice had a 10-day window to approve or question any feedback they were unhappy with.

The solution could restrict reviews provided there was a valid reason for its exclusion - with any abusive or defamatory reviews automatically restricted. Now that’s control!

The Solution

St Raphael’s saw all the typical benefits of a Working Feedback implementation – over 1400 impartial reviews as well as raising their Google review numbers from 0.6 to 9 per month and their overall total from 51 to 324. They were able to automatically request Google Reviews by email and text message - and even export positive feedback certificates to post on social media.

They boosted staff morale with regular, personalised feedback and supercharged their online presence with a Working Feedback widget for the new site! But, more than anything, the practice was able to grow its operations safe in the knowledge that any feedback was fair, honest and moderated by a professional software solution.

“Working Feedback has helped in so many ways. It has freed up time for our staff to concentrate on the day to day running of the practice without the worry of trying to keep on top of our reviews, which in turn helps to promote and invite new patients to the practice. Working Feedback also asks patients what other treatment they may be interested in which gives our dentist an idea of their patients preferences, which helps to promote our private sales. Working Feedback reviews look after themselves and we have linked the feed to our website which updates frequently!”

Sam Wilkes – Practice Manager, St Raphael’s Dental Practice

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