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Cherrytree Dental Care

Considered one of the leading dental practices in the Oxfordshire area, patient feedback is really important for their reputation and credibility while they grow.

Hear from Cherrytree Dental Care

The feedback and reviews from their patients are important for other visitors and are very valuable for their own team to understand the patient experience.

At a Glance


To grow patient numbers and build trust having recently taken over the practice.


Attracting new, quality patients to the practice and gaining loyalty.


Reviews strengthen online presence and increase uptake of additional treatments.

Why did they pick us?

“The solution has made the process of patient feedback so simple with the requests easily sent out by email and text messaging. Working Feedback then moderates all reviews and ensures that they are shared through multiple platforms including our website, Facebook, Most Recommended Dentist and Google.

Additionally, Working Feedback collates all the information and generates monthly feedback reports, analytics and Certificates of Achievement that we proudly display in Reception for our visitors to see”

“In my 35 years as a dentist, Working Feedback is my single best piece of investment in marketing.”

Niall Hutchinson – Practice Principal, Cherrytree Dental Practice


Increase in turnover

Using Working Feedback directly attributed to their growth in turnover over a 12 month period.

See Working Feedback in action

Arrange a free demo to see our service in action. Choose a time and day that suits you.